Monday, March 26, 2012

My leg training routine

Since giving up my cardio obsession, and becoming an avid fan of strength training I've found a new found respect for strong men and women.

My eyes opened up to the many ways I could train legs. I was excited but apprehensive.

I've always quite liked my legs, but you know that being called "chicken legs" was never really much of a compliment, so began my determination to swap my "chicken legs" for legs not so much chicken-like, but defined and sculpted (I don't like the word toned)

I never ever thought that I could lift much weight, but over the year I've been training, I have found increased lifting power and strength that I never knew I possessed!

My training for my legs normally consists of (in order with four sets of around eight reps):

- squats with dumbbells/ barbell
- leg press
- single leg squats with dumbbell (or for balance than anything else) or walking lunges with dumbbells
- bunny hops (for a tiny bit of cardio)
- calf raises with dumbbell in each hand

My routine has pretty much stayed consistent but I have tweaked it every so often, because even the most determined weight lifters suffer from the inevitable boredom that occurs doing the same leg routine every week for three months, for example.

I actually remember when I first attempted to do a single- leg squat, oh my, I could just about manage one rep on each leg, but I am proud to say that this has now increased to double figures and it's probably my favourite leg exercise!

Every couple of weeks, the pin moves further down on the leg press machine, I am picking up heavier dumbbells and I am doing more reps on other exercises and I'm secretly happy. After all, it's proof that I am making progress and for a small woman, I can lift heavier than I ever thought.

I hope this post encourages and helps you a little bit if you're trying to train your legs. Leave any comments or questions below and I'll get back to you soon.

Next blog post will probably be about HIIT or debunking the myth about women and the bulk up!

1 comment:

  1. If you are excited to do your leg exercise and become strong then no need to worry just get Neoprene Dumbbells 10 lb and start doing exercise of your legs ..
