Friday, April 06, 2012

Spring fitness tips

This blog post will be shorter than my last blog post, which turned into an essay!

Since we are now officially in Spring, you’ll surely see more people starting their fitness programme in the gym, or you may be one of those people. So, below are a few tips that I hope will help with your Spring fitness goal:

Drink more water - It is recommended that we drink 2litres of water a day, but this is only a guideline since our bodies are different. Swap soft drinks for water to keep your body and mind hydrated. Water is also important for your metabolism, so drink up!

Exercise with a partner - It really helps if you workout with someone else. You can motivate, support and train each other. Find someone who has a similar goal to you.

Eat more greens - Vegetables are full of nutrients, but you already knew that. Aim to eat a portion of vegetables with the majority of your meals.

Enjoy a treat - We’re only human, so if you say to yourself that you’ll never eat a chocolate bar or biscuit ever again, you may be fine for a few weeks, but wanting something you can’t have, only makes you want it more, so don’t deny yourself a treat once in a while, just make sure it’s not all the time.

Have a goal - Go to the gym with a purpose or goal. If you make yourself accountable to your training partner or even yourself, you are more likely to stick to your plan.

Being fit and healthy consistently is hard, but starting out is harder, so I hope this blog post helps.

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