Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kettlebells and You

Kettlebells have been around for a while now. But sadly, I haven't had a chance to use them until recently.

I've been going to the gym at work for over two years and I'm also a member of my local gym, and eerily they have both started to stock kettlebells within weeks of each other, which is amazing news for me!

I attend a kettlebell class every Saturday and let's just say that I'm not much of a class person. In fact, I prefer to work out solo or with a training partner, but there is something about this class that keeps me going back!

When using a kettlebell, you can execute the same exercises you can do with dumbbells, plus many more that involve swinging, pushing, and balancing the bell. The difference between dumbbells and kettlebells, is that with kettlebells, you work out fast, whereas with weight-training the movements are slow and steady. Kettlebells give you an all-over body workout. You won't really build muscle but they are a great cardio workout, which is great for me, as the only cardio I do is shopping.

If you have kettlebells in your gym, try them out! I recommend starting off with a light weight first so you can learn correct technique and posture (my instructor always reminds us to use our hips!)

Kettlebells take a little bit of practice and getting used to, but you'll soon get into the swing of it!

[image source]

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