Friday, April 27, 2012

How to eat "clean"

Following on from my Spring fitness tips post, I thought I’d write a post about how to eat well. I know it sounds obvious but it’s not always easy.

Working out and eating right go hand in hand. We all know this, but it is hard sometimes to eat the foods that you know you should be eating. Healthy foods not only provide your body with nutrients and vitamins to function properly, but the right foods also feed your skin and hair, so it is important to try and follow a healthy diet plan.

- Avoid soft drinks and fruit juices - They are loaded with sugar. It is better to eat the actual fruit than to just drink it

- Eat 4-6 small meals everyday

- Drink at least 2 litres of water or 8 cups everyday - Water is essential to flush out toxins and to keep you hydrated

- Never miss a meal - especially breakfast - See my previous post on why breakfast is the most important meal

- Avoid calorie dense foods that contain little or no nutritional value - Eating crisps or chocolate will not provide you with any nutritional benefit, they are simply filling a hole. Swap your sweet or savoury craving for something a bit more nutritious

- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables for fibre, vitamins and enzymes

- Combine lean protein and complex carbohydrates with every meal

- Eat often - aim for around every 3 hours

- Avoid over processed, refined foods, especially white flour and sugar

- Avoid alcohol

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