Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Chemicals in your skincare

When it comes to skincare, I’ve always held the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality. I’ve been using the same skincare products day in, day out for many years. After all, I didn’t have an adverse reaction to them and they did the job so I never thought to change them. But it wasn’t until recently, that I really took an interest in reading about chemicals and skincare ingredients. I realised that I had been quite naïve about the ingredients and subsequently, I updated my skincare routine (bar one product) based on everything I had read.

There are many dangerous chemicals used in skincare and cosmetic products every day. Below I’ve listed three common ones, which pose a high risk:

- Parabens (or anything ending in -bens)
These preservatives act like estrogen in the body, throwing off hormonal balance. Parabens have been shown to accumulate in cancerous breast tumours. Parabens can be found in cleansers, body washes, for example.

- Tetrasodium EDTA
Preservative that’s made from the known carcinogen, formaldehyde and sodium cyanide. It is also a penetration enhancer, meaning it breaks down the skin's protective barrier, going right into your bloodstream. Many companies trying to be "natural" will use Tetrasodium EDTA instead of parabens to preserve their products.

- Propelyne Glycol
Is a penetration enhancer, meaning it’s a carrier for other chemicals, bringing them into your skin and your bloodstream. It's a known skin irritant, which can be found in deodorants, sunscreen, shampoo, conditioner and body washes.

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