Monday, April 30, 2012

April Favourites

I haven’t written a monthly favourites blog post before, but I felt compelled to do one this month because I have used a few new products worth mentioning.

Dr Organic Bioactive Skincare Organic Vitamin E Pure Oil Complex - I have dry skin, which requires a lot of moisture to take away the tightness and make my skin look plump and radiant. Over the winter months, as part of my evening skin care routine, I would slather my face in Bio Oil. Not attractive, but necessary. I like the idea of using a facial oil on my face, but I just felt that maybe Bio Oil was just a bit too greasy and I didn’t feel like it sunk into my skin well.

Recently, I watched a Youtube video, by one of my favourite YouTubers Barbara from thePersianbabe. She purchased the Dr Organic oil and gave an impressive review of it, so I hopped on over to my local Holland & Barrett and picked one up for myself.

I have only used this for over a week but I am really impressed so far. Obviously, one week isn’t enough time to give the product a full review, but I really do it. The first thing I noticed when using it, was that it isn’t as greasy on my skin as Bio Oil, and it sinks in quite well.

For £8.49 you get 50ml, but you honestly don’t need a lot to cover your face, so I can see this lasting me a while.

You can read more about the Dr Organic product on the Holland & Barrett website.

Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Skin-Brightening moisturiser SPF15 - I brought this as I was looking for a moisturiser that didn’t contain any harmful ingredients, such as parabens or phthalates.

It contains light diffusers, which makes the skin look more radiant.

It is clinically proven to even out skin tone and texture.

I also love that this product comes in a pump. The only compliant I will make about this product, is that I wish the packaging was transparent. I have a thing now for using products which I can see, so I know when I am likely to run out.

You can read more information on the Aveeno moisturiser on the Boots website.

Caudalie Beauty Elixir - I have heard a lot about this product in recent weeks and after using a recent 10% discount code on Feel Unique, I placed an order.

The main ingredients include extracts of grape, rosemary, orange blossom and rose extracts. It has a strong herbal scent, so if you don’t like strong mint smells then steer clear. The beauty elixir is somewhere inbetween a toner and a facial mist. I use it to set my makeup, or just to refresh my skin throughout the day, particularly after the gym.

It costs around 9.90 for 30ml. A larger 100ml version is available, but I prefer the smaller size as it’s perfect for travel.

You can read more about the Caudalie Beauty Elixir on the Feel Unique website.

Friday, April 27, 2012

How to eat "clean"

Following on from my Spring fitness tips post, I thought I’d write a post about how to eat well. I know it sounds obvious but it’s not always easy.

Working out and eating right go hand in hand. We all know this, but it is hard sometimes to eat the foods that you know you should be eating. Healthy foods not only provide your body with nutrients and vitamins to function properly, but the right foods also feed your skin and hair, so it is important to try and follow a healthy diet plan.

- Avoid soft drinks and fruit juices - They are loaded with sugar. It is better to eat the actual fruit than to just drink it

- Eat 4-6 small meals everyday

- Drink at least 2 litres of water or 8 cups everyday - Water is essential to flush out toxins and to keep you hydrated

- Never miss a meal - especially breakfast - See my previous post on why breakfast is the most important meal

- Avoid calorie dense foods that contain little or no nutritional value - Eating crisps or chocolate will not provide you with any nutritional benefit, they are simply filling a hole. Swap your sweet or savoury craving for something a bit more nutritious

- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables for fibre, vitamins and enzymes

- Combine lean protein and complex carbohydrates with every meal

- Eat often - aim for around every 3 hours

- Avoid over processed, refined foods, especially white flour and sugar

- Avoid alcohol

Friday, April 06, 2012

Spring fitness tips

This blog post will be shorter than my last blog post, which turned into an essay!

Since we are now officially in Spring, you’ll surely see more people starting their fitness programme in the gym, or you may be one of those people. So, below are a few tips that I hope will help with your Spring fitness goal:

Drink more water - It is recommended that we drink 2litres of water a day, but this is only a guideline since our bodies are different. Swap soft drinks for water to keep your body and mind hydrated. Water is also important for your metabolism, so drink up!

Exercise with a partner - It really helps if you workout with someone else. You can motivate, support and train each other. Find someone who has a similar goal to you.

Eat more greens - Vegetables are full of nutrients, but you already knew that. Aim to eat a portion of vegetables with the majority of your meals.

Enjoy a treat - We’re only human, so if you say to yourself that you’ll never eat a chocolate bar or biscuit ever again, you may be fine for a few weeks, but wanting something you can’t have, only makes you want it more, so don’t deny yourself a treat once in a while, just make sure it’s not all the time.

Have a goal - Go to the gym with a purpose or goal. If you make yourself accountable to your training partner or even yourself, you are more likely to stick to your plan.

Being fit and healthy consistently is hard, but starting out is harder, so I hope this blog post helps.